What is Microdermabrasion (MDA)?
MDA is an out-patient procedure that involves the skin being sandblasted by Aluminium oxide crystals of specific size to remove the top horny layer of skin and to promote production of new cells in the deeper layers. It cleans pores and hinders any other breakouts if used on regular basis. It is a non-invasive procedure & the results last for long periods if series of treatments are done.
Am I a candidate for MDA?
If you have acne, discoloration/pigmentation, superficial wrinkles, uneven texture open pores or sun-damaged skin .MDA, h/e doesn't remove deep wrinkles/birth marks/tattoos. MDA is an excellent substitute for facials.
When is MDA performed?
MDA is performed as multiple sessions usually 10-15 days apart for best results. Later, it can be done as maintenance sessions every few months.(maybe once in 3 months)
Does MDA hurt?
No, it doesn't, although it might sting a little around the eye area for a day or two in a rare case.
How is MDA performed?
After thorough cleansing of the skin to remove grime & dirt, fine, sterile particles (100 microns) of aluminium oxide are sand-blasted on the skin surface under vaccuum to scrub away dead skin and impurities. The procedure lasts for 10-20 min depending on the depth of the peel and another half an hour if pack therapy is performed. Lastly a sun block is applied.
What should I expect after MDA?
U can expect to feel light and clean. If done on a deeper, level (rarely done) u may feel as if have a mild sunburn ,the skin might feel dry red or peel slightly the next day. Use a high quality sunscreen & moisturizer. Dr. Anu will guide you regarding the post procedural maintainance..
What precautions should I take after MDA?
Do not scrub,suntan,.take steam/sauna,.use medicines or applications with abrasive like Retinoic acid , Adaplene, glycolic acid, bleach for at least 2 days before& 4 days after the procedure.
When can I return to work?
U can return to work immediately but sunscreen is a must. There is no downtime per se.
When will I see the results?
There is an immediate improvement after the 1st session...a nice, clean and smooth skin is immediately noticed.. ut major noticeable difference is usually seen after the 3rd sitting... Maintenance therapy can be had once every few months.
What r the risks of MDA?
Hardly any, if done by a qualified Dermatologist.
Undiagnosed lesion, recent Herpes, warts, Active weeping, acne/rosaceae, unstable Diabetes, Auto immune diseases.
If u still have any doubts, please contact us & we'll be more than happy to clear all your doubts.
Dr. Anu Pal Goel